Terry Sheldon
Engineer and Landscape Architect
In 2009 new flood insurance rate maps (FIRMs) were issued for Adams County. Other nearby counties issued updated maps at about the same time. These maps were considerably more detailed than earlier maps and led to changes in how floodplains were assessed for both new developments and existing structures.
Over the last several years I have seen a large increase in the number of homeowners whose existing residences have been determined (often by the mortgage holders using the new maps) to have floodplain issues. In many cases these determinations involve floodplains that were defined using “approximate” methods rather than detailed calculations. Often, using topographic information obtained on the property by the surveyors at Beyond All Boundaries, I can demonstrate that these floodplain limits are inaccurate. This can reduce or eliminate flood insurance premiums for the homeowner.
While we cannot guarantee success at the start of a floodplain analysis, we will make a preliminary analysis early in the process. From this we can generally determine early on what the chances of success are. If we do not feel that you will benefit, you will be given the option of stopping our work at an early point rather than working through all the computations to the finish.
We can also analyze floodplain limits on raw land prior to development to assess the likelihood that the property can be developed in the desired manner.